Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Days 12-14 - Nothing Much to Say

As I indicated in my previous post, I probably won't have much to say about the next couple of days since we are in Samara, directly across from the beach, and won't do too much except act like beach bums. While that is mostly true, there are few things to touch upon.
Our first full day we pretty much spent at the beach at Samara and at Lo Que Hay, the local watering hole which has cold beers, good food and a lot of ex-pats that have a lot of info about the area, what to see, where to eat, etc. We have a fishing trip planned for tomorrow so we head to bed early so we can be up by five-thirty tomorrow morning.
On Tuesday, our second full day we are set to go fishing. Ron, from the Nuevo Arsenal area has hooked us up with Frank who picks up at 6:00am and we go down to his boat and get started. We start off trolling and hope to hook on to something big but it does not seem that there is too much biting. We see a school of tuna feeding in front of us so we cast out a jig and hook a tuna which Dave reels in. It is not huge but it is a start and since it is already 10:00 we take it as a good sign, but that was not to be. Instead we keep trolling, jigging into schools and casting behind the reef but we can't seem to get anything else to bite. Finally we get another tuna on and Frank has me bring it in. This one gets as far as the boat but then puts up one last fight and swims down deep and gets off...damn! Then as we are trolling our last spot before coming in something big takes the line and once again they give me the rod to bring it in. I don't know what it is but it feels good and he keeps taking drag and pulling on the rod. Dave has to help me hold the rod so that I can reel. It's so close now, what can it be? Who knows, because once again, it gets off just before I get it to the boat...shit.

Frank was a great guide and tried really hard to get us on fish, he even stayed out there longer than the agreed upon half day but as usual, it was not meant to be.
Later Dave and I discuss our fishing mishaps and decide that maybe we should not be paying to go fishing because every time we do, we seem to to have a rough go of it...oh well, we will see once the next adventure is here!
Our third and final full day in Samara is spent at the beach(es). First we drive down to Carrillo beach just five minutes down the road. It differs from Samara in that it has no stores, bars or houses/hotels directly on it. It is a huge stretch of nothing but quiet beach and we have it mostly to ourselves. Here we hang for a few hours and then we head back to Samara and spent the remainder of the day on the this beach and once again at Lo Que Hay. We can't enough of this place, it is so convenient, friendly and easy going that we can see why it is a favorite for many locals and visitors alike.
For our last night in this area we went to dinner at El Ancla which was recommended by almost everyone that we spoke to. They serve a lot of good seafood dishes and we were not disappointed. It has a nice vibe and is run by a local family and the only negative was that once they got busy, the service got slower but I guess that is to be expected, and even still, it is a place we would go back to if we were here longer.
A bit of rest tonight and we head to San Ramon tomorrow.

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