Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 10 & 11 - More Walking and Riding

We only have one full day in Monteverde so I booked a morning walk that is scheduled to take about 3 hours through the Curi-Cancha cloud forest. Our guide is Jorge and he is very knowledgeable although as I said in a previous post, I will never remember half of what he tells us. Our morning is filled with sightings of birds, agoti, butterflies and hummingbirds. We also see our fair share of plants and trees, the most notable is the fig tree that always grows over another tree and eventually takes it over, completely hollowing out the host tree. OK, so I can remember a couple of things but mostly because it was very cool to climb into the bottom of this tree and look straight up through what is now a hollow tree.

The rest of our day is pretty mellow, we eat lunch at Raulito's Pollo which is just awesome roasted chicken and then we hang at our hotel and watch the awesome view from our room and porch.
Even though we didn't spend much time in Monteverde, it is one of my favorite places here because it is so beautiful and the people really want you to see the beauty in every inch of this area, and yes, I know they are selling something but you can tell in how they answer your questions that they really want to share it with you. It is a shame that the roads to this area are horrible as in my opinion it would make it a hard sell to live here when it takes such an effort to get in or out of here.
So our next day is spent "getting out of here" and heading to the pacific coast and the town of Samara. Once again our GPS tells us it will take two and a half hours but we know better and it takes us a good amount of time just getting off the bumpy gravelly road. But not to worry, we still arrive in Samara by mid afternoon and we walk the small town to check things out and hang on the beach a bit. Right across from our hotel is Lo Que Hay which is a great bar and restaurant and they are showing the Patriots game so we drink and eat and watch them win. A little about the food, we had some chorizo quesadillas and some bacon wrapped jalapeƱos....all hot stuff but very good.
This area will probably suit us well for the next couple days as we will likely just hang around on the beach and get to know some people in the area...likely boring to report but we'll see where things take us!!!!

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